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Welcome to our
Flash Back Memories of SaugertiesPast
History taken from the Thumbnail Sketch of Saugerties - Date Unknown -
Distributed by The Saugerties Chamber of Commerce
Welcome to Saugerties
"Saugerties derives it's name from "the Little Sawyer" - a man who plied his trade on the banks of the stream at the northern end of the village. His name is from the Dutch "de zaagertje's" - hence Saugerties.
It was in 1667 that Chief Kaelkop of the Esopus Indians in a treaty made between Governor Andros and the Indians, granted to the "Sawyer", "the right to a kill named 'Zagers Kill' and all the land to the blue mountains and beyond."
In 1685 Governor Thomas Dongan granted to two English officers this land upon which the village of Saugerties now stands, receiving title from the Sawyer, and in 1688 the records show that Cornelius Lambertsen Brink acquired land and built at the junction of the Plattekill and Esopus creeks. Later the Palatines, refugees from religious persecution on the river Rhine, and Dutch colonists from Kingston took up their life on the land now known as the village and town of Saugerties.
Among the famous houses of these pioneers still standing, (at least at the time of this printing), are the former Fred T. Russell house, on the banks of the Hudson, the Schoonmaker house, corner of Main Street and Malden Ave., the Kiersted House, opposite the high school, - (Which I'm Pleased to say, Is Alive and Well Today as a Museum, Preserving Saugerties' History. Thanks to you Marge!) - , the Sherwood Myer house at the head of Livingston Street, the Genthner house, on the upper end of Ulster Avenue, and a famous hostelry of Revolutionary days, the Post Tavern, where Gen. George Washington and other famous men of the Revolution stopped on their way to Albany. This was located in the rear of what is now the P.C. Smith store on Main Street."
Our Flash Back Memories of Saugerties, N.Y. Life
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so Please Come Back and Visit anytime........
And if anyone has something they would like to add,
be it photos, history, or just a story about Saugerties Life Past, let us know.
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We'll be more than happy to publish it, and give Appreciated Credit to You.
With Much Appreciation to those folks that had shared with us.
Our Collections of the Hudson Valley & Catskill Mountains of New York State
with a concentration on the Saugerties Region
While your visiting here, check out some more of our
WhatWasThere "Fades"
Clicking on images will Enlarge for better viewing
Thought I would add some memories, via newspaper snip-its
clicking on either, will enlarge for better viewing.
Enjoy your trip down memory lane
a fun little snip-it from the Kingston Daily Freeman
October 29, 1970
A Halloween play we had when we were just whipper snappers going to
Grant D. Morse School in Blue Mountain
Views and History of the Old Cantine's Paper Mill
Click on Images to See Larger Viewing
Now & Then "fade" of lower Partition Street, the Old Cantine Paper Mill
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The Saugerties Historical Society
Marjorie Block's Saugerties Historical Society on Facebook
Saugerties public library
I Like Saugerties on Facebook
Saugerties Lighthouse Conservancy
Village of Saugerties
Town of Saugerties
Ulster County Historical Society
Ulster Historical Alliance
Saugerties Lighthouse Conservancy
Toodlum Tales Facebook Community
All works are Property of,, - And may be shared with Proper Credits given. Some photographs and text are Copyright Protected by their respective owners. Sharing Is Encouraged. Please cite source(s).
1998-2018 SnapShotPhotographs
1998-2018 SnapShotPhotographs