Welcome to GrabShots tm Coca-Cola on the Walls of America & Beyond
If it's a Coca-Cola Sign, I'll GrabShot tm it here for your entertainment
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GrabShot Links
Attractions/Ghost Signs/Coca-Cola on the walls of America & Beyond Page1/
Coca-Cola on the walls of America & Beyond Page2/Coca-Cola Ice-Cream & Other Delivery Trucks/
Roadside Signages Past & Present/U'neek Shotz'/Fun Funny Funnier/
Pepsi Cola Signs, Trucks n Such/Coca-Cola Bottling Plants/Roadside Still Standing/
Famed Coca-Cola Peachtree Street Atlanta Georgia
New York State Fair Entrance
581 State Fair Blvd. Syracuse, New York 13209
Coca-Cola and a Burger - SE 1st St. Washington Indiana
Let's sit and have a Coke at Johnny Rocket's in Gatlingburg Tennessee
North Second Ave., off of Main Street, Mayodan, North Carolina
237th Street and Braddock Ave., Bellrose, Queens N.Y.
Photograph taken and Shared by our good Facebook Friend, Big "O" -
Thanks to Orlando!
Photograph taken and Shared by our good Facebook Friend, Big "O" -
Thanks to Orlando!
Central Avenue - Middletown Ohio
First Avenue - Middletown Ohio
Standing on the corners of East Preston and Aisquith Streets, Baltimore, Md.
23rd Street, Galveston, Texas
Near Quincy Florida
Pinhook Road - Walker Square - West Pinhook
Quebec Canada Coffee Shop Coca-Cola & Pepsi Cola
MOTEL with TV & Coca-Cola
Route 301 Starke Florida
Brevard Avenue Cocoa Florida
Taking you to London, England - Gob Stoppers Candy and Coca-Cola
Back road of Georgia - My Personal favorites
Enjoy Coca-Cola in New South Wales - Australia
DE LUCA GENERAL STORE - Bay Street, Staten Island N.Y.
Craghead Street - Danville, Virginia
(expect a few more interesting GrabShots from Danville)
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